Step by Step Installation Guide
How To Install My Decorative Studs
What you'll need...
1 - Tape measure
2 - Chalk
3 - 8.5mm drill bit
4 - Standard pistol drill
5 - Wood glue
Step - 1Mark out holes where the studs will be placed using chalk as it won't leave a mark and easily rubs off. |
Step - 2Double check all of your measurements before drilling any holes.
Step - 3Use an 8.5 mm drill bit allowing enough room for glue. A standard pistol drill is required. Take extra care drilling as square as possible allowing the stud to fit flush against the surface. |
Step - 4Use a strong, reputable wood glue. Quick drying and water resistant are beneficial. Add glue to the rear of the stud as well as the pre-drilled hole. Use masking tape to hold the stud in place while the glue dries. |